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Downstream: Refining Technology, Operations and Marketing (REF)
Category ChairPerson
Mohamed Fathy, Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Fathy, Manager, EGPC
- Walid Gebril, General Manager, EGPC
Upstream: Exploration of Conventional Resources (CONV)
Category chairperson: Isabel Geerdes, Egypt Asset Manager and Deputy Exploration Manager, Chevron
- Ahmed Abdelfattah, Drilling Services and LWD SDM, Baker Hughes
- Ahmed Rizk, Senior Geophysicist, Energean Egypt Limited
- Ahmed Sultan, Petrophysics Department Manager, Tharwa Petroleum Company
- Ahmed Zaky, Senior Geophysicist, Energean Egypt Limited
- Alexander Karvelas, MENA New Ventures Lead, SLB
- Fareed Aly, Asset Subsurface Manager, United Energy Egypt
- Mahmoud Gabr, Subsurface Manager, bp
- Moataz Nady, Exploration Technical Advisor, ENI
Gas/LNG Processing, Operations and Technology (GAS)
Category chairperson: Sally Salah Nasr, Assistant General Manager, EGAS
- Hamada Ahmed Frahat, General Manager of Gas Processing Facilities Studies, EGAS
- Khaled Gad, ELNG & Offshore Assets Manager, Shell Egypt N.V.
- Stathis Zacharakis, Business Development Director, ASPROFOS Engineering
Offshore and Marine Production, Technology and Operations (MAR)
Category chairperson: Khaled Gad, ELNG & Offshore Assets Manager, Shell Egypt N.V.
- Mohamed Elreedy, General Manager, GUPCO
- Walid Ramadan, MENATI Product Line Director - Subsea Projects & Services, Baker Hughes
Hydrogen, biofuels, alternative fuels, nuclear and renewable energy (ALT)
Category chairperson: Stathis Zacharakis, Business Development Director, ASPROFOS Engineering
- ManolisMarkakis, Senior Director, Supply, Exports & Operations, HELLENIC Petroleum RSSOPP
Digitalisation of Oil and Gas (DIGI)
Category chairperson: Mohamed Sayed Taha, Projects & Technical Consulting Manager, Enppi
- Mohamed Magdi, Environment & Property Solutions Project Manager, ExxonMobil
- Mostafa Kortam, Reservoir Engineering Supervisor, Petrobel
- Soumia Alem, Technical Sales Engineer, SLB
Project Management and Execution (PM)
Category chairperson: Kamel El Kholy, OFS Account Manager, SLB
- Khaled Gad, ELNG & Offshore Assets Manager, Shell Egypt N.V.
- Mohamed Magdi, Environment & Property Solutions Project Manager, ExxonMobil
- Mohamed Abdelmonsef, Production Manager, United Energy Egypt
- Mohamed Refaat, Department Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Talaat, Assistant General Manager, EGPC
People and Talent Development (PPL)
Category chairperson: Wafaa Tantawy, Head of HR & Administration, Kuwait Energy Egypt Company
- Mostafa Kortam, Reservoir Engineering Supervisor, Petrobel
- Sherif Shawky, Global Technical Lead for Lubes & Greases, ExxonMobil
- Shorouk Kandil, GeoUnit Recruiting Manager, SLB
Oil and Gas Field Development (FD)
Category chairperson: Osama Shaarawy, Reservoir Management Team Leader, bp
- Ahmed Abdulaal, Well Construction CEC, SLB
- Ahmed Rabie, Senior Specialist Reservoir Engineering, United Energy Egypt
- Darius Shahsavari, Senior Vice President, IPR Energy Group
- Hafez El Shamy, Production General Manager, EGPC
- Hossam Saad, PSL Area/Country Manager | Artificial Lift, Halliburton
- Hossameldeen ElDandarawy, Middle East, Turkey & India Engineering Manager, Subsea Development Projects, Baker Hughes
- Kareem Basha, Petroleum Engineering Team Leader, bp
- Mohamed Abdelhady, Production and Fields General Manager, Khalda Petroleum Company
- Mohamed Refaat, Department Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Talaat, Assistant General Manager, EGPC
- Mostafa El Shazly, Production Engineer, EGPC
Completions (COMPL)
Category chairperson: Mohamed Abdelhady, Production and Fields General Manager, Khalda Petroleum Company
- Hafez El Shamy, Production General Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Atwa, Engineering General Manager, United Energy Egypt
- Mostafa Ashraf, Sales Account Manager – Completion Services, Baker Hughes
- Mostafa El Shazly, Production Engineer, EGPC
Downstream: Petrochemicals Technology and Operations (PET)
Category ChairPerson
Ahmed Khairat, Department Manager - Operation, ECHEM
- Ahmed Khairat, Department Manager - Operation, ECHEM
- Amr Salah, General Manager Corporate Follow-up - Operations, ECHEM
- Mohamed Fathy, Manager, EGPC
- Sally Anwar, General Manager Companies Development - Operation, ECHEM
- Walid Gebril, General Manager, EGPC
- Wael Mokhtar, General Manager - Business Development, ECHEM
Upstream: Exploration of Unconventional Resources (UNCONV)
Category chairperson: Maxim Mikhaltsev, Exploration Lead, SLB
- Ahmed Lotfy, Asset Subsurface Manager, United Energy Egypt
- Isabel Geerdes, Egypt Asset Manager and Deputy Exploration Manager, Chevron
- Mohamed Said, Reservoir Technical Services Area Lead - Egypt & Sudan, Baker Hughes
- Tharwat Hassane, Head of Petroleum and Capitalised Engineering, The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)
Midstream: Transportation, Storage and Infrastructure (MID)
Category chairperson:. Khaled Elgammal, General Manager for LNG/ Gas Export and Import Activities and Facilities Follow-up, EGAS
- Aly Talha, Egypt Lead Engineer, ExxonMobil
- Khaled Gad, ELNG & Offshore Assets Manager, Shell Egypt N.V.
- Mohamed Magdi, Environment & Property Solutions Project Manager, ExxonMobil
Environmental Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Transition (ENV)
Category Chairperson: Heba El Karrar, Global Technology Environmental Manager, SLB
- Ahmed Ibrahim, Sustainability Coordinator, ENI IEOC
- Antonios Mountouris, Head of HSE & Sustainable Development, HELLENiQ Energy
- Benson Egbevurie, HSE Director, Egyptian LNG
- Hafez El Shamy, Production General Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Fathy, Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Refaat, Department Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Talaat, Assistant General Manager, EGPC
- Mohamed Sayed Taha, Projects & Technical Consulting Manager, Enppi
- Mohammed Al-Habib, Regional Executive Director for Energy Transition, Baker Hughes
- Mostafa El Shazly, Production Engineer, EGPC
- Stathis Zacharakis, Business Development Director, ASPROFOS Engineering
- Wael Amin, Head of HSE, United Energy Egypt
- Walid Gebril, General Manager, EGPC
Oil and Gas Economics, Concession Agreements and Project Finance (FIN)
Category Chairperson: Ahmed Sultan, Petrophysics Department Manager, Tharwa Petroleum Company
- Hossameldeen ElDandarawy, Middle East, Turkey & India Engineering Manager, Subsea Development Projects, Baker Hughes
- Nevine Hussein, Head of Planning, United Energy Egypt
Health and Safety (HS)
Category Chairperson: Benson Egbevurie, HSE Director, Egyptian LNG
- Abdel Hamid Mahmoud, Environment Lead, GUPCO
- Lilian Mahfouz, GeoUnit HSE Manager, SLB
- Mohamed Adel, Safety and Sustainability Manager, EGAS
- Mohamed Amin, HSE Manager, Energean Egypt Limited
- Ramy Khallaf, Global HSE Integration Leader, Baker Hughes
- Wael Amin, Head of HSE, United Energy Egypt
Operational Excellence (OpEx)
Category Chairperson: Aristotelis Pagoulatos, Geoscientists Department Manager, HELPE Upstream
- Mahmoud Hegazy, Head of Operations, United Energy Egypt
- Mohamed Abdelhady, Production and Fields General Manager, Khalda Petroleum Company
- Sherif Shawky, Global Technical Lead for Lubes & Greases, ExxonMobil
Geoscience: Upstream Technology Developments (GEOT)
Category Chairperson: Ahmed Rizk, Senior Geophysicist, Energean Egypt Limited
- Ahmed Zaky, Senior Geophysicist, Energean Egypt Limited
- Ahmed Sultan, Petrophysics Department Manager, Tharwa Petroleum Company
- Isabel Geerdes, Egypt Asset Manager and Deputy Exploration Manager, Chevron
- Mahmoud Gabr, Subsurface Manager, bp
- Mohamed Soliman, Formation Evaluation WL/LWD/RNS – Technical Advisor RTS, Baker Hughes
- Tarek Tarakhan, Senior Specialist Geophysics, United Energy Egypt
Drilling (DR)
Category Chairperson: Khaled Alhalawani, Well Construction D&M Manager, SLB
- Ahmed Azzam, OFSE Country Sales & Commercial Manager - Egypt/Sudan, Baker Hughes
- Moataz Moussa, Drilling Manager, United Energy Egypt
- Tharwat Hassane, Head of Petroleum and Capitalised Engineering, The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)